Monday, March 5, 2012

the lilies

Nab'Ubomi 2010- The Lillies from Victoria Girls High School Grahamstown District

I went to this school. I went to this school and I had a tough time there. The easy route would be to blame the teachers and headmistress but I think the tough time I was having had more to do with my struggle with personal identity.
There was a definite rigidity when it came to what was normal and what was deviant and I reveled in being the latter. But that was just me attempting to figure myself out...I had a friend who knew who she was...or at least knew one part of who she was. She was not shy about it, she was not afraid of what anyone thought of it even though she was often punished for it. Parents of people she befriended would be warned that she was a bad influence and would 'turn' their unsuspecting daughters. Nowadays teens have ware-wolves in our day we had lesbians.

The thing I like about this short film is that it is gentle. It is relevant and it is the point of view of the young women who face and know others who face such struggles of owning ones identity and feelings in the face of ridicule. It also makes me happy to know that my old school has come a long way, allowing their students to express such a delicate point of view whilst proudly wearing the school colours makes it clear that a large amount of growth and tolerance is at play.

A big toast to Lilian Roberts who put together the piece. I trust that this is merely the beginning of what will no doubt be an incredible journey for this young woman.

Kudos VG.

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